"A sheer triumph of Shelly Sheer whose impeccable form has been a feature of this current season of the Bat Dor dance Company performing in Johannesburg at the Civic Theatre, and a personal triumph in Domy Reiter Soffer's "LoveRaker". The work which tells of the brief gaudy hour and subsequent downfall of a girl who rakes relationships and is incapable of sustaining them, is a splendid vehicle for the particular style and articulate, interpretive abilities of Miss Sheer. The work is a finely integrated one, cyclic in construction, tragic- comic in its impact, and encompassing a pertinent comment on the games people play. The opening statement contrasts the disdainful Miss Sheer with a figure who crawls onto the stage on her back (Jeanna Gailor). Then the girls, the fallen one and the one riding a whirl wind, dance together, scorning the advances of two boys (Robin Lyon and Yacov Slivkin). But the boys assert themselves and soon a flirtatious game of changing partners ensues. A fifth figure (Jay Augen) enters, arrogant, challenging, fateful. Is the fifth figure just another Lover? Or does he represent the destructive flaw in Sheer's character? Either way the proposition is most effective and the result is outstanding. The ballet in its dramatic elements and choreographical demands succeeds to intrigue the audience and leave them numb".
Raeford Daniel- (The Mail) Johannesburg
"Bat Dor Dance Company's dancers excel in a masterly work by choreographer Domy Reiter Soffer. It is so brilliant in performance lighting and in fact it should not be missed. It is "Loveraker". It stars Shelly Sheer a dancer with a superb technical ability as well as dramatic quality that are rare, she is absolutely magnificent. The rest of the cast Jeanna Gailar, Robin Lyon, Yacov Slivkin and Jay Augen each shone in this highly charged ballet. The work is a sensual and erotic, one of the girls varying relationships all of which end in destruction and eventually of her own. Choreographically it is brilliant in its concept and movement and gives the performers an opportunity to shine. Johannesburg take notice it is a must ballet to see".
Eve Borland- (The Times) Johannesburg.
"Breathtaking "LoveRaker" is a remarkable work by Domy Reiter Soffer, in its concept, control and suppleness and dramatic attack. Shelly Sheer wonderfully portrayed the protagonist in an intensely sexual work which gathers strength as it progresses. All the Men are virile and technically skilled with plenty of personality. Among the women there are some fine dancers too, but one especially remembers a performance such as Shelly Sheer's in the explicitly sexual LoveRaker".
Katherine Rothenburg-(The Citizen) Johannesburg.