"The evocative music of Khatachurian, well matched the choreography of Domy Reiter Soffer ballet "Serafina" which was the highlight of the evening at the Olympia Theatre, danced by the Irish National Company. Julia Cotter as Seraphina a jealous Innkeeper rival in love, dance with a maternal assurance that was warm yet commanding. Joan Wilson as 'Malia' her other woman daughter, showed great dramatic quality and appeal. While Robert Olup as the lover, showed a mastery of movement in highly charged ballet full of choreographical surprises and Coup de Theatre based on the concept that passion is greater than fruit of the earth. The chorographer married the spiritual dramatic contents into intriguing vehicle for the principals as well as the company Corps".
Seamus Kelly-(The Irish Times).
"At the Olympia theatre, the Irish National Ballet Company presented the premiere of "Seraphina" by the dancer choreographer Domy Reiter Soffer. It is a dramatic piece about a mother (Julia Cotter) and a daughter (Joan Wilson) who are rivals in love and the tension implied choreographically is excellently sustained up to the violent climax. The choreographer has excellently devised the characterization of the two women and the opportunities were well taken by the dancers. It is a highly emotional piece with an immense interest, and a great achievement for the company".
Mary McGoris- (The Irish Press)